how are you dear reader?
In this occasion the post should be from an artist that I admired, but.. I do not admire any artist and I do not like to it, or I still do not know an artist that fascinates me jaja that boring!. I remember that the last I admire was the Jonas Brothers, and well that was in adolescense and it does not make much sense.
But not be boring I will share music album that I discovered recently on youtube and I liked it a lot.
His name is "Triciclo Circus Band", it is composed of nine musicians, they are from México and originated in 2009.

Its style is conformed by a fusion of rhythms like balkam, oaxaqueña music, tango, walts, double step, klezmer, polka. They have 4 albums
In this video they play in the "Zocalo" and I ike it because they do a performance to interacto with the public.
This album is from 2012
I like his music because he is energetic and cheerful, I think anyone could dance and have fun with this.
Enjoy it, see you soon
My dear, I had not listened the group until I found them in this post. They sound incredible! You have an exquisite musical taste.