Hi all!! how about the blog? where you interested in the previus publications? tell me what you think please
 WELL, this new entry is about interesting internet sities. Personally, I'm not a fan of surfing the web and spending a lot of time reading or watching videos on the computer, prefer to go the library and sniff through the aisles and shelves. Also, my eyes hurt too fast.. jaja:( 
But, a few weeks ago , I wrote "street dance" in google, I do not remember why I do it, but, the first link that appeared caught my attention because it was a  well-know name. It said: "The dances of the future". Resultado de imagen para las danzas del futuro

this is a project that consists of practices and contemporany dance exercises in the public space, wich seek to link art and citizenchip.The group is made up of different Chillean dancers, teachers and choreographers.
I had seen their work in live but, I did not know they had a website, and I found many interesting things that I did not know about the proyect and the work they do.
You can see documentaries, interviews, post of your national and international trips. images of the perfomances, meet your members and many things about dance, body, street, society, culture.. that are very interesting! go visit his link!
Enjoy it, see you soon. Imagen relacionada


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