HIIIIIIIII!!! how are you dear reader? In this occasion the post should be from an artist that I admired, but.. I do not admire any artist and I do not like to it, or I still do not know an artist that fascinates me jaja that boring!. I remember that the last I admire was the Jonas Brothers, and well that was in adolescense and it does not make much sense. But not be boring I will share music album that I discovered recently on youtube and I liked it a lot. His name is "Triciclo Circus Band", it is composed of nine musicians, they are from México and originated in 2009. Its style is conformed by a fusion of rhythms like balkam, oaxaqueña music, tango, walts, double step, klezmer, polka. They have 4 albums . In this video they play in the "Zocalo" and I ike it because they do a performance to interacto with the public. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_pjpo-7EM This album is from 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1...
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
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Hi all!! how about the blog? where you interested in the previus publications? tell me what you think please WELL, this new entry is about interesting internet sities. Personally, I'm not a fan of surfing the web and spending a lot of time reading or watching videos on the computer, prefer to go the library and sniff through the aisles and shelves. Also, my eyes hurt too fast.. jaja:( But, a few weeks ago , I wrote "street dance" in google, I do not remember why I do it, but, the first link that appeared caught my attention because it was a well-know name. It said: "The dances of the future". this is a project that consists of practices and contemporany dance exercises in the public space, wich seek to link art and citizenchip.The group is made up of different Chillean dancers, teachers and choreographers. I had seen their work in live but, I did not know they had a website, and I found many interesting things that I did not know about the ...
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Hi, today I will tell you something that I realized very recently... After a ballet test talking to the teacher, I told him that doing pirouette makes me very nervous and disoriented. He gave me an excersice to do at home to see if it was a vision problem. And after doing this excercise several times a day and in different places, I noticed that I see blurred by the left eye. And I could see why I was always afraid to turn. And.. it was sad to accept it. Everyone in my family has serius problems in sight and I had saved myself so far.. JAJA.. but good is genetic.. I have many classmates who wear glasses and take them out during class, and now I think... How do they do that??!! since at least for me, only the view bothers me when I turn, but they must be uncomfortable at all time or maybe some people do not.. well it´s hard to know. So, I think that sight is a very important factor in our daily life as dancers, which can affect us in one way or another. The...
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Hello again!, on this ocassion I will talk about a photograph. I take this photograph, it was in the summer in Dalcahue, Chiloé. With my family we travel to Chiloé for the first time all together. My dad rent a house in Ancud and that day we went to Dalcahue, I took the photo while we were walking along the coast, shows the sea and the island opposite. A friend told us that on this island the comedy "Isla Paraíso" is recorded and that his real name is "Rilán". I like this picture beause that day we walked a lot through the city, ate delicious things and learned a lot about the history of Chiloé. If I upload to social networks, so you can see the wonderful landscapes of Chiloé. I hope you can travel to Chiloé, is a amazing place!